My church, Foothills Church of Christ, had an Edwardian Tea and Fashion Show. Yesteryear Productions participated in the fashion show as well as provided costumes and I played lady's maid to Lady Carolyn as she did her Genteel Disrobe. There were about 100 ladies and 3 gentlemen that attended, including the members from our church who served as well as paid the $20 admission. The event was to raise funds to pay off the building as well as to send 30% of what we made to the Village of Hope Orphanage in Ghana, Africa.
Five ladies attended in their own historical outfits, and of course we had to make them part of the fashion show. It was a lovely time had by all.
1870s, early 1900's, and Little House on the Prairie girl's dresses.
Titanic Era (her personal outfit - one my creations)
Early 1900's original
Titanic dress, fashioned after the dress Rose wore when she boarded that Titanic in that movie.
Early 1900's with original mink stole
Early 1900's
1870's (her personal outfit)
Early 1900's
Visiting with the guests (early 1900's ball gown and lawn dress)
Having a spot of tea
My mom, Lady Carolyn, in a 1908 and my daughter, Saralyn, in a 1905
Lining up for the show
Waiting their turn
Is it our turn yet?
1560's, strolling the crowd in her personal outfit
1870's (her personal outfit)
Early 1900's (her personal outfit)
Early 1900's evening or ball gown
Having tea
Lady Carolyn starting her show
All dressed up (in 14 - 15 pieces of clothing!)
A few articles gone
Down to her 8 pieces of underwear!
Ooo, la, la
(Don't worry, she doesn't take anything else off but the corset cover)
Five ladies attended in their own historical outfits, and of course we had to make them part of the fashion show. It was a lovely time had by all.

(Don't worry, she doesn't take anything else off but the corset cover)

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