On Sunday, March 14, 2010, We set up a booth at the Girl Scouts Uniquely Me! event here in Reno. It was an event for girls of all ages to promote self esteem and a positive image of beauty. We brought in costumes and accessories and dressed up the girls who came by the booth. They loved getting to see themselves dressed in Victorian, and especially loved trying on the corsets. And I hope they came away with a thankfulness for how good we have it today. Our booth was always hopping, even though we were stuck at the end of a dead end hallway on the second floor. I was so busy in fact, that I never got pictures of the booth or the attendees dressing up. But I do have pictures of the girls who were in our little fashion show, as well as pictures from the short etiquette lesson I did.
My daughter, Sara, in her newly lengthened 1860's dress, watching the crowd down below.
The Yesteryear Productions fashion show participants. Four of these girls were event attendees whom we drafted for the show.
Madi (a Girl Scout) in an 1860 day dress
Sara in an 1860's day dress
Amanda in an 1890's evening or ball gown
Kristina in an 1870's day dress
Adia (a Girl Scout) in 1870's underclothing
Kaitlyn (a Girl Scout) in an 1890's day dress
Mallory (a Girl Scout) in 1860's day dress
We had about an hour in between the fashion show and the talent show when I did my etiquette lesson. Here, too, I drafted one of the Girl Scout attendees to help me out on stage.
Hana got her cues perfectly and interrupted me just when she was supposed to.
I called for a volunteer from the audience to help me demonstrate proper table etiquette.
Here is Hana demonstrating a lady-like posture
My friend, Alex, came by the booth at the very end of the day and just had to be dressed up.
What a wonderful day.
After the fair, my helpers and I went out to eat at Olive Garden. In costume, of course.
The six of us at Olive Garden
Amanda and Kristina
I wonder what secrets they are whispering.
Full of good food.

We had about an hour in between the fashion show and the talent show when I did my etiquette lesson. Here, too, I drafted one of the Girl Scout attendees to help me out on stage.

After the fair, my helpers and I went out to eat at Olive Garden. In costume, of course.

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