Zephyr Cove at Lake Tahoe, NV, had their first Mark Twain days event. My mom and I and my daughter met up with several of our other friends from the GBCS and headed up the hill to Tahoe. The event was open and free to the public. There were only a few vendor tents, but the entertainment was top-notch. On the stage they had set up we watched a band play, a cowboy poet recite, and a shoot-out go down. We set up our picnic lunch on the sunny lawn and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. It was like stepping back in time and attending an honest to goodness Victorian Lawn party.

Lady Carolyn in her newest Civil War time period day dress.

Oscar and Debbie, an engaged couple and friend of ours seemed to like Sara as much as she liked them. She would barely leave their side the entire day.

A Wild West Shoot-out

Watching the shoot-out

Sara did not like when the bandit hid behind her.

Lauren, our resident photographer

Lauren and Debbie getting ready for the picnic

Me, my mom, and my daughter enjoying the June sunshine and a delicious picnic.

The GBCS picnickers

Maureen brought her grandkids up to experience everything, too.

Watching the MS Dixie (or Tahoe Queen) paddle away from the dock.

Oscar and Debbie

Another fair patron enjoys the show

Stopping to talk to the non-costumed attendees

The love-birds take time out to dance to the music
After our lunch on the lawn at Mark Twain Days, we all drove back through Carson City and stopped at their annual Rendezvous Days. We walked around and shopped mostly. As well as visited with a few more of our friends who were set up in the Civil War encampment.

It was quite a bit warmer down in the valley than it had been up at the lake. The parasols were definitely in use.

It is great to see others getting in the spirit.

Having fun while we strolled through the shops

We also met up with Mark Twain again, one who does not take himself too seriously, obviously.

For a phenomenal fee, you could get a ride around the field in the stage coach.

Walking through the Civil War camp

Dana and Lauren, another mother/daughter pair, doing some more shopping.

Regina met us in the shops.
It was a wonderful and relaxing day. Such a fun reason to wear our costumes.
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